by Jorge Castillo | Sep 12, 2022
A speck of dust to bring life back to Hewett Fork Creek September 7, 2022 As more and more coal mines continue to shut down in the once-booming region of Southeastern Ohio, local communities are experiencing many social and economic impacts. However, the most...
by Jorge Castillo | Jan 31, 2022
Coolville, Ohio 01 text LCBD-1 LCBD-2 LCBD-3 LCBD-7 2 LCBD-12 LCBD-9 LCBD-13 LCBD-4 3 LCBD-17 LCBD-6 LCBD-5 LCBD-15 4 LCBD-10Kayl Spears and Richard Bolyar hang out in their Porch after a long day of work. in Shawnee, Ohio, on March 6, 2018. Richar and Kayl work...
by Jorge Castillo | Jan 31, 2022
Waorani Choque GeneracionalTatiana, de ocho años de edad y de padre montubio y madre waorani, vive en la comunidad de Guiyero donde acude regularmente a la escuela por las mañanas, donde aprende los conocimientos básicos para defenderse en un mundo globalizado. La...
by Jorge Castillo | Jan 31, 2022
Coolville, Ohio 01_Coolville_Text Coolville-1Coolville is a town located between Hocking River and Route 50 in the southeast corner of Athens County, Ohio. It was founded in 1814 by the Coolye brothers, Simeon and Herman. They settled here because of the convenient...
by Jorge Castillo | Jan 31, 2022
David Sagan About MissingDavid Sagan drives to Hocking College Nature Center in Nelsonville, Ohio. The plush snakes on the dashboard of his car are presents from his friends given to him after his lost 4 of his snakes to Ohio Department of Agriculture. instructorDavid...