Find the difference: Thylacine vs Grey wolf

August 20, 2024

As part of the Museum Studies Certificate at Ohio University, I was tasked, along with my classmates, with conceptualizing and designing a complete exhibition. Merging Concepts: In These Moments, centers on the idea that “When given only a moment of a story, we are invited to imagine its whole.” Over two semesters, students from diverse academic backgrounds, including myself, collaborated to curate, design, and install the exhibition. Each of us proposed objects to be included.

One of the most intriguing proposals involved using the skulls of a Tasmanian wolf (Thylacine) and a Gray wolf to illustrate their differences. While both are called wolves, they are completely different and nonrelated. Our team developed a supplementary interactive game to enhance this exhibit, enabling visitors to explore these differences more deeply.

Conceptualization and game mechanics

Our primary concept for the game was to present both skulls side by side, allowing users to rotate them simultaneously and observe anatomical differences. We chose this interactive approach to engage visitors and provide a hands-on learning experience. When visitors identify a difference, they can select it on either skull, prompting a text box to appear explaining the difference’s significance.

After identifying all five differences, a congratulatory message is displayed, and the game resets, inviting users to explore the skulls again.

Identification of anatomical differences

The identification of the differences was guided by a detailed document prepared by one of my classmates, who is a paleontology and anthropology student. This document outlined various anatomical differences and their functions. We chose the most visible and educational differences, ensuring that the game would be accessible to all visitors, regardless of their expertise.

The selected differences included:

  1. Number of Teeth: The Thylacine has more teeth than the Gray wolf.
  2. Types of Molars: Thylacines have tribosphenic molars, while wolves possess carnassial teeth.
  3. Palatal Fenestrae: Unique to marsupials, these tiny holes are present in the Thylacine but absent in wolves.
  4. Auditory Bullae: The Gray wolf has significantly more giant auditory bullae, indicating superior hearing.
  5. Infraorbital Foramen: This anatomical feature is more prominent in the Thylacine, suggesting heightened sensory capabilities.

    Game development process

    We chose Unity as the game engine due to its versatility, with WebGL selected as the platform to ensure compatibility with the Kiosk Pro Plus software used on an iPad. The game’s design involved creating interactive objects with RigidBody components that users could manipulate to discover and learn about the differences between the skulls.

    Asset collection and refinement

    In our search for 3D models, we discovered high-quality resources in MorphoSource and Sketchfab repositories. MorphoSource provided detailed models created using X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) scans, which, while highly accurate, lacked the texture and color necessary for a more engaging, outreach-focused game. On the other hand, Sketchfab offered photogrammetry-based models with textures, making them more suitable for the interactive game we intended for a general audience.

    The models we used include:

    Thylacinus cynocephalus by Axel H. Newton, available on MorphoSource, 2020.

Thylacinus cynocephalus (photogrammetry model), created by Digital Humanities Research collaborations based at the Australian National University, is available on Sketchfab.

Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) (photogrammetry model) by the University of Victoria Library, available on Sketchfab.

We used Instant Meshes and Blender to optimize the polygon count and transfer textures without losing essential details to ensure the models met our project’s needs. Additionally, we reconstructed the missing front teeth of the Tasmanian wolf skull based on references from the MorphoSource models.

User testing and feedback

During initial user testing, we discovered that the original game mechanics, which penalized users for incorrect selections, created a frustrating experience. The system of losing lives after three incorrect choices was detracting from the educational purpose of the game. In response, we removed the life system and incorrect notifications, instead allowing the game to automatically highlight the correct difference on the opposite skull once a user identified it on one skull. This change and adding a hint button made the game more accessible and engaging for users of all ages and backgrounds. The hint feature allowed users to progress at their own pace, ensuring a more personalized and supportive learning experience. By focusing on user-centered design, we create practical educational tools.

Exhibition display and reception

For the exhibition, we integrated the physical and digital elements to create a cohesive experience. The skulls of the Tasmanian wolf and Gray wolf were displayed under a vitrine, complemented by a life-sized wall graphic that highlighted the size difference between the species. This visual aid provided visitors with an immediate understanding of the physical differences before interacting with the digital game.

The interactive game was presented on an iPad mounted next to the display, allowing visitors to transition between observing the physical skulls and engaging with the game.

The exhibition received positive feedback from both experts and the general public. Paleontologists appreciated the balance between accessibility and scientific accuracy, while children and families were particularly drawn to the game’s interactive nature. The successful integration of digital and physical elements demonstrated the potential of interactive technology to enhance museum education and engage a wide audience.

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